✖Older posts located in archive below.✖
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I AM Alone.

You have your priorities,
And I'm not first.

Monday, October 5, 2009

It's hard to grasp the things which I always wanted.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

You do fine when I'm not around.
You'll do well without me.
...Maybe even better.

Everytime when your status is offline when we chat,
I always wonder,
Am I also being tricked into thinking you're offline when in fact you just appeared to be?

No matter how much you try to escape or deny...
The truth is that I'm just an unnecesary burden for you.
Being together brings you more problems than happiness.
True that not everyone is same,
But therein also lies the term that there are some kind of differences which just don't go along,
No matter how hard you try to,
It just goes back to what it was from the start.
Like oil and water.